
“I am” Donation


“I am” Donation

We hope that the "I am" Donation Project, which started in September 2019, will help create an environment in which everyone around the world can be themselves by saying "I am".

The "I am" Donation Project was launched in September 2019 with this prayer.

If you buy a bracelet because you think it is cute, it will benefit someone somewhere. We have been making such bracelets.
This project has grown along with the brand and will soon be in its 5th year.
Last year, we were able to build six kindergarten classrooms in Bihar, India, with donations of 9 million yen.
We are very grateful to the many people who have supported our project so far.

In India, where jewelry is produced, there are still not many opportunities for children and women to shine.
Through this project, we hope to create an environment for children to learn and expand their possibilities for the future.
We also hope that women can acquire skills and envision a future of self-reliance.
In order to help them, we will continue the "I am" Donation Project with a strong will to keep this warm circle of support and to unify our donation to developing countries.

With the 10 million yen newly accumulated through the "I am" Donation Project, we have decided to re-launch the "Children's Educational Environment Improvement Program" in Bihar, India.
The program aims to improve children's early education environment by constructing six kindergarten classrooms, improving the skills of kindergarten teachers, and raising awareness among parents.

We are pleased to introduce you to the "Program for Improving Children's Educational Environment" in Bihar, India. (From the proposal of Plan International, an international NGO)

Program for Improving Children's Educational Environment" in Bihar, India
India ranks 135th out of 146 countries in the "Gender Gap Index 2022" published by the World Economic Forum. Particularly with regard to education, the gender gap is widening as one moves up from primary to secondary education.
Despite the established importance of early education for children, it is especially difficult for children from poor families or those who are often left behind to attend kindergarten.

Areas of implementation / Bihar
In Bihar, only about 45% of children are able to attend kindergarten.
There is a shortage of kindergarten classrooms, and the classrooms are in poor condition, making it difficult for children to feel safe.
Kindergarten teachers are not adequately trained, making it difficult for them to provide proper instruction and care for the children. Another challenge is that parents are not aware of the need for early education for their children.

Against this backdrop, children often enter elementary school unprepared and find it difficult to adjust to school and keep up with the class work.
Through this project, we will create a kindergarten environment where children can receive quality early education.

The kindergarten where this project will take place. Classrooms, sanitary facilities, and the school yard are in poor condition.

Expected Results
The project is expected to produce the following results
Six kindergarten classrooms (with library and sanitation facilities) will be established.
Kindergarten teachers will receive training and acquire the skills to provide appropriate instruction.
Parents will understand the importance of early education and be actively involved

Children in the target areas will receive a higher quality early education in a safe and comfortable learning environment that is equitable for both girls and boys, and that prepares them well for primary education.
In addition, toilet and hand washing facilities will improve the sanitary environment, and hygienic habits will help prevent infectious diseases.
Furthermore, by raising awareness among parents and community members of the importance of children's education, especially girls' education, it is hoped that gender equality will be realized from an early stage.

We will build a kindergarten like the previous project so that children can attend with peace of mind.

Learn more about the "I am" Donation project